Setting Up asdf to Manage Node.js and Ruby on Ubuntu

Setting Up asdf to Manage Node.js and Ruby on Ubuntu

Managing multiple versions of programming languages can be a headache, but asdf simplifies this process by providing a single CLI tool to manage versions of multiple runtime languages. In this article, we'll walk through the steps to install and configure asdf on Ubuntu, along with Node.js and Ruby.


Before we begin, ensure that you have curl and git installed on your system. You can install them using the following command:

sudo apt install curl git

Step 1: Clone the asdf Repository

First, clone the asdf repository from GitHub into your home directory:

git clone ~/.asdf --branch v0.14.0

This command checks out the version 0.14.0 of asdf. Adjust the version number as needed.

Step 2: Update Your Shell Configuration

To make asdf available in your terminal, you need to update your shell configuration. Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file:

. "$HOME/.asdf/"
. "$HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash"

After adding these lines, reload your ~/.bashrc file to apply the changes:

source ~/.bashrc

Step 3: Install Node.js

To install Node.js using asdf, follow these steps:

Install Additional Dependencies

Node.js requires some additional dependencies which can be installed using the following command:

sudo apt-get install dirmngr gpg curl gawk

Add the Node.js Plugin

Next, add the Node.js plugin to asdf:

asdf plugin add nodejs

Install the Latest Version of Node.js

You can now install the latest version of Node.js:

asdf install nodejs latest

Step 4: Install Ruby

To install Ruby using asdf, follow these steps:

Add the Ruby Plugin

First, add the Ruby plugin to asdf:

asdf plugin add ruby

Install the Latest Version of Ruby

Now, you can install the latest version of Ruby:

asdf install ruby latest

Step 5: Verify the Installation

It's important to verify that asdf has correctly installed and configured the runtime versions. You can do this by checking the output of the type -a ruby command.

  • Correct Output:

      ruby is /home/username/.asdf/shims/ruby
      ruby is /usr/bin/ruby
  • Incorrect Output:

      ruby is /usr/bin/ruby

If you see the correct output, it means that asdf is correctly managing the Ruby version.


By following these steps, you've installed asdf and configured it to manage Node.js and Ruby on your system. This setup will help you seamlessly switch between different versions of these runtimes, making your development environment more flexible and efficient.

Happy coding!

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